AI applications

We build interactive applications that use AI for virtual assistants and presenters, or for the real-time generation of contextual images, video and sound. Multilingual and trained to your context.

Meet Eva, John, Jack or Jill

Give your exhibition booth, experience center or museum some personality. We design your own Assistant that can answer questions, guide visitors, narrate your story or simply impress the crowd with its intelligence.

Our assistants are tailor made. Their design adheres to your corporate guidelines and you can give them the name and characteristics you desire. They can be as simple as a textual chat box host or as sophisticated as a 3D avatar in a virtual world or on a transparent screen. Manning your exhibition booth, reception desk, demo room, museum exhibit or website.

Multilingual techno-speak

Your assistant can speak your language. Or any other language. Literally but also in terms of vocabulary. We can train your AI assistant to hold conversations on your products or services, using the right terminology and jargon that your product marketeers or technicians would use.

Personal guides

Your AI assistant can live in the real world too. In an augmented reality (AR) world that is. An app featuring your assistant, installed on a phone or tablet, will guide visitors in your booth or demo center, pointing out exhibits and telling all about them.

Related technologies

Web design

We build your cross-device presence on the web with a gorgeous design, rich media and a rock solid backend.

Mobile apps

We create apps for your business and markcom needs... with a slick interface in line with your branding.

IoT design

We develop your intuitive UI/UX for Industry 4.0, Internet-of-Things and Machine-to-Machine applications.

All technologies