On/offline smart home support site

To help installers get the most out of Niko Home Control, we created a support tool usable both online and offline.


Niko is Belgium’s premier manufacturer of electrical sockets, switches, push buttons and so on. But they also have a fancy, integrated home control product. Niko Home Control is versatile and highly customizable, but that also means that programming it can be a challenge. To help installers get the most out of the system, we created an on and offline support tool, so that installers can use it at construction sites without an internet connection.

Convenient to use and update

The help tool functions as a website and its contents can easily be expanded and updated by the Niko team. The offline version is a convenient download that users can update effortlessly whenever they’re connected to the internet. The tool consists of step-by-step action plans with ample screen shots and cross references to related scenarios, to provide efficient hands-on guidance.

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