On your marker, get set, go
AR relies on an app that recognizes markers to show additional information on the screen. The marker determines which content to show, and acts as an anchor point for the content so that it remains glued to the real world. Markers can be specific tags for the purpose, positioned strategically in an area or on an object. But they can be any distinctive feature… or photograph, map, ad or anything that can be recognized by image processing software.
High-quality content
As we offer a one-stop-shop approach to content development, our teams can not only create the required AR app, but all the content that goes inside. Whether it’s video production, graphics design or 3D/infographics/cartoon animation, we have the people and the tools to make sure your customers will enjoy a highly attractive journey.
Interactive too
AR apps can tell a whole story, offering users an interactive experience with many levels of information, drop-downs, selectors... Examples range from an AR configurator, simulator or working principles demonstrator, to a whole training or sales tool.