Augmented reality (AR)
We make a product, installation or object come to life with interactive multimedia content superimposed.
We make a product, installation or object come to life with interactive multimedia content superimposed.
We let your users interact with your company, products or services in your own corporate metaverse.
We build your cross-device presence on the web with a gorgeous design, rich media and a rock solid backend.
We create apps for your business and markcom needs... with a slick interface in line with your branding.
We produce high-quality videos with broadcast equipment and true craftsmen for every aspect.
We widen your audience's viewport to the world, crafting ultra-highres 360° videos with novel storytelling.
We design your tailor-made corporate metaverse, ready for use in VR and MR, or in Mesh or similar virtual spaces.
We create animations that promote, explain or simply show off... from a simple gizmo to an entire factory.
We create the digital assets that make your company stand out. Cross-media, consistent and impressive.
We support your product with the right creative tools to demonstrate its unique features and benefits.
We build enticing digital content that draws crowds to larger-than-life screens and fun interactions.
We elevate your visitor center to new digital heights full of VR, AR, interactive experiences and gesture control.
We conceive a comprehensive digital tool set that wows your prospect or customer, in live or remote interactions.
Because we are a multi-faceted and multi-skills organisation, we have channeled some of those skills into separate business units that meet a specific need of our multinational client base. Bringing together specialists in the respective fields, but with all the benefits of the cross-fertilization and the production infrastructure of the whole. Each division has its own subject matter experts, writers, conceptual designers, engineers, and AI tool set. Supporting services for audio/video, graphics, animation, VR/AR and software development are shared between these divisions.
Working safely takes more than permits, procedures or protection. It is a behaviour that people develop by consistent and targeted communications and interactive & AR/VR training.
We take even the most technical subjects beyond the boring slideshow to experiences with advanced visualisations that captivate your trainee until the final click.